Sweep me away
Sweep me away in your love,
where nothing else matters
Sweep me away
Sweep me away in your love,
where nothing else matters.
As this song played tonight at Elevate, my heart underwent some serious emotions. I am not an emotional guy, i am constantly in desperate need of only God and not some emotion that music can sometimes bring. This song was different though. I desired to find this "Love" . We often say we love God but the bible itself says in Matthew 15:8 "'These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. I came to terms with myself that it starts in the heart. You can say love, you can pretend to show love, but what is important is your heart. I am going to try to understand these lyrics.
The way i see it, we are asking God to sweep us away. In essence we are asking God to move us from the place we are at, emotionally, spiritually, and perhaps even physically. I have observed my mom when she sweeps the kitchen, and in some occasion (though not many) have done so myself. When i broom some dust i go back to parts already swept and do it again. Once I have gathered it all together i put it in the dust pan. Then it goes to where it belongs (not on my floor).
God on sweeping duty
1) retracing previous places
- Through my own experiences i have witness the hand of God having to go to places that i felt i had "fixed" and has had to give it one last swept to ensure that nothing has been left there.
2)Bringing everything together
- During cleaning time what you want to do is bring it all together so that you can put it in the dustpan all at once. What God does is He brings your family issues, economic situation, emotional crisis, insecurity, and all your terrible circumstances and puts them in a dustpan
3) Throwing out the trash
- This is the best part. Was the floor dirty? YES. Did things look bad? YES. Did it take a while? YES. Who's floor is now clean? YOURS IS!
The song does say specifically WHERE to sweep us away. In His Love! So this is where the question comes, What is Love?
To love something you have to hate something. Paul Washer once said something "I love babies, therefore i hate abortion". To accept something you refuse something else. Judah Smith once said "when i chose my wife to be my wife i accepted her and by accepting her i refused every other women on this earth". When we love God we hate the devil. When we love Jesus we hate what he was born to defeat, sin. Get it?
One of the most controversial books in the bible describes it perfectly:
Song of Solomon 8:6 Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
Love is as strong as death? What?!?! Jealousy as unyielding as a grave? What?!?!
It took me 7 days of bible study to understand Song of Solomon, i kid you not! It is a love that we don't comprehend. It is not made easy and it does not make sense. When your asking God to swept you away in His love you are asking him to let you undergo something that you are not going to be able to understand. GRACE and MERCY combined. You are telling God, take me to a place where nothing makes sense and enrich my body with an inexplicable love.
Where nothing else matters?
Do you understand that you are asking God to break your pride, your personal desires, your ambitions. You are telling God CRUCIFY my flesh and let my spirit REIGN. You are telling God, i want to see more of You and less of me in me! You are stating that you want to be in a place where God's presence is so great that your mind, body, soul cant even begin to wonder off about anything else. THIS is some crazy stuff. THIS is some Ezekiel, the Lord took my spirit, kind of stuff. This is some Holy of Holies kinda thing where it is you and the Lord. This is some "The Lord came down to where Abraham was in His tent" kind of stuff. You are no longer asking God for a feeling. You are no longer asking God for a new contemporary christian CD. You are no longer asking God for anything concerning you. You are telling God take me away, where i can be with you and you with me, and i will not need anything else because i will be with you. I dont know about you but that is NOT just "some song".
We are asking to enter the Holy of Holies. We are asking God to let us be one with Him, where nothing will make sense and it wont need to make sense. You are asking God to allow you to enter the tabernacle, pass the bronce alter, into the holy place, through the curtain and enter the Holy of Holies face to face with the ark of covenant where the Spirit of our living God will pour like never before. WOW! that is an overwelming stanza to sing. I want it, i desire it, i need it!
Think about the stanza. Tonight and every night my prayer is that He sweeps me away in His love where nothing else matters.