How are you guys! I have recently been moved from location due to remodeling of my house so i have not been able to get on a computer, but here i am.
Today i came across an exert from Today In the Word, here it is:
In the washroom of his London club, British newspaper publisher and politician William Beverbrook happened to meet Edward Heath, then a young member of Parliament, about whom Beverbrook had printed an insulting editorial a few days earlier. "My dear chap," said the publisher, embarrassed by the encounter. "I've been thinking it over, and I was wrong. Here and now, I wish to apologize." "Very well," grunted Heath. "But the next time, I wish you'd insult me in the washroom and apologize in your newspaper."
Though there is a bit of humor involved i find that there is a certain truth to this. I have come across times where i have done things that were uncalled for and deserved an apology from my part. I also have done things that have humiliated people in the midst of crowds. However like William Beverbrook, I too apologized and, like Beverbrook, did it where no one could see.
This happens because of two reasons.
1) Pride
2) We do not truly understand the effect we had on the victim of our action.
Our pride is certainly one of the most dangerous things in us. We are often spiritually idle because of our pride. Our pride sometimes makes us lose our blessing and in some cases our gifts. Its easier, not necessarily easy, to apologize in a washroom where no one is looking. It is very hard to do it in public, admitting your fault in front of everyone. As we read Heath's response we see how people truly wish to be apologized. By insulting Heath in the newspaper he publicly damaged Mr. Heath's reputation. By apologizing in the washroom, Mr. Heath's reputation was still damaged and the only one that felt satisfied was Mr. Beverbrook himself. Defeating Pride is the first and last step of being humble.
Not Truly Understanding the Effect
If we do not truly understand what we did, then we cannot fix it. Many times we hurt people with our words and comments and don't really acknowledge the damage we have done. A big part of not acknowledging it comes from doing it so often that we do not see the damage we make. This is very dangerous. When we lose sensitivity of our actions we are no longer in control of what we do, instead it goes beyond our own will. We do things, not because we want to but, because we have done them so much that it because "ok". Perhaps it is time that we give words of encouragement more than we insult that way "encouraging" because our idea of what is "ok". Before i confuse you more ill finish with this, the moment you realize the damage you have made, FIX IT!APOLOGIZE! Don't contemplate on apologizing or not because most of the time you will choose to NOT apologize.
These 2 things are the main reasons why we sometimes fail to apologize. My question is: Have you done anything to someone lately? Maybe they are home thinking about what you did to them. They would be super surprised to receive an apology. If you are not quite ready to "publicly" apologize OR it is concerning something that should not be told "publicly", then start of by just giving them a call. Don't miss out on your blessing because of pride and don't make it a habit to do wrong on to others that you can no longer stop yourself from it.
I believe that when you apologize to someone you unconsciously give them the power to forgive you, releasing them from a potential grudge against you.
Verses to Read
James 5:16, Galatians 6:3,Proverbs 29:23,2 Timothy 3:2
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