Today, I had a couple minutes to talk to a new friend, a brother in Christ, that i met about 2 weeks ago. We started talking about how sometimes we want to be in such a high spiritual level but we are not willing to put in the work needed to reach that level. Sometimes there is just too much pressure. Or sometimes we are unable to avoid things that don't benefit us.
My friend told me that our life is like an ocean. The Lords presence is at the bottom of the ocean and there is a lot of pressure and gravity that pushes you to the top of the ocean as you try to reach it. So how do you reach a place when all the pressure in the water pushes you to the top and its SO hard to breathe for so long?
The English Standard bible says in Ephesians 6:11 "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."
What does this mean? It basically mean that the ONLY way to get to the bottom WHEN all pressure is pushing you up is to be armed and protected, in other words a SUBMARINE.
A submarine is a device used to swim against currents, pressure, and the gravitational push of water. It is used to reach places where not many can reach. It protects you from drowning and out of harms way.
The interesting thing about a submarine is that water is constantly pushing itself to enter the submarine in anyway it can. Sin works the same way. We are constantly tempted by the world and sin tries to enter our lives through any door that is deliberately left open. Rhetorical Question: Is your submarine completely closed and safe from leaks?
Another wonderful thing about a submarine is that no matter where it is in the ocean it has complete control of where its going. Let that sink in for a while, no pun intended. Do you have control of where you are going?
I find it even more interesting that a submarine has a radar. It can detect when it is around danger and its surroundings. It can avoid sharks and other harmful animals. It can avoid many things because it can detect trouble when it is heading towards it. Do you know the people that you are and aren't suppose to hang around with? Is your radar telling you that you are in a danger zone?
An even better question is: Are you swimming with the current or against it?
We are not suppose to be routine Christians that live routine lives. We need to be swimming AGAINST the current and exiting "dead religion" so that we may enter "divine relationship".
My pastor said something that blew my mind. "If enough people swim against the current, the direction of the current has to change" he even took it a step further and said " Even a dead fish can swim with the current but only LIVE fish can swim against it"
Last question: Are you a dead fish or are you alive?
Let me know, leave your comments on this question or anything else for that matter.
Verses to Read:
Romans 12:2, John 17:15-18, 1 Peter 1:16, Colossians 3:10, Ephesians 6:12-13
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