As i was walking home today i saw, what appeared to be, a stray dog wandering around. It was a small brown dog. I was wondering what it was doing by itself and if it had any owners. I didn't understand how such a beautiful dog didn't have any owners. If the dog did have owners, i did not understand why any dog owner would let their small dog wander around. I really couldn't come to terms on why an owner would do such thing, as dramatic as it may sound. I didn't understand until i saw the dog's owner running after it chasing it down. It appeared that the small dog had broken loose and wandered away from its owner.
Even though we as humans are not dogs, we do live a similar scenario. We do have an owner, an owner that chooses to not keep us on a leash, an owner who trusts us and gives us the choice to be under His care or run off and wander by ourselves. We are sometimes as foolish as this little brown dog is. We wonder around thinking we can manage when in reality we have no sense of the 2008 Ford-Runner that us driving at 50 MPH towards us. There is a plus side to this though. Like this dog, we have an owner that is willing to get off of His throne, couch, and run after us , not because we are worth it but, because He loves us. We sometimes walk in our daily lives not knowing that we have run away from our owners however, there He is running after us ready to take us back as long as we stop running.
Why is this blog called soul in an earth suit?
I believe that as Christians that is what we are. I think that we are simply souls that inhabit human bodies. Jesus himself said in John 18:36 “My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world.”
I wanna finish by saying that throughout this blog i will be posting everyday situations that happen in a christian lifestyle and how our "permanent citizenship" to this world can be used in a productive way. I am not a religious person and i am not a doctrine driven person either. I believe in one God, One Jesus, and One Holy Spirit. Stick around...this shall be interesting.
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