About a month ago i spent a couple of minutes with my friend, Adriel, having devotionals from YW magazine. We came across one that was called Just Add Water.
It talked about how sometimes we as Christians tend to dry up. That after trying so hard to leave our old ways and bad habits we kind of burn ourselves out and give up. We dry up. If you ever had a chance to play with Play-doh you will know that they come in many different colors, smell kinda funny, and after a while dry up. It gets dried up because it is unused for a period of time, kinda like our Christianity, and it loses necessary substances in it that make it moist and functional. According to the playdoh website, "In order to restore the softness to PLAY-DOH compound, try adding water one drop at a time and working it in to moisten the PLAY-DOH compound."
What does this mean? If you dump water on it, then it wont work. It is a matter of adding water one drop at a time. Sometimes we wanna change our lifestyles from one day to another and just pour out all the water at once, but, like the playdoh, we must add a drop at a time. In other words, change occurs in time.
Today i had the opportunity to participate in what is called Servolution at my church. Our task was to hand out free water at a local metro station and invite the public to The One, a play that dramatizes the crucifixion of Jesus. Though it seems like an easy task, God is truly glorified through this. As my leader said "Even though the water bottles that you are giving them will end their thirst for a moment, they will grow thirsty after a while. But the water that you will be presenting to them, the water that comes from Jesus, will end their thirst for all eternity"
I wasn't preaching to them right there on the spot. I wasn't condemning them for all eternity i was adding a drop of water at a time. This simple act served as a message that Jesus is the living water, and its free. I was amazed to see that many people rejected the water because they were insecure about this free water. Some people no long believe that there is "good" in this world. One of the men that i came across today told me "some people don't believe that hope exists anymore, but you are opposing that belief with your actions"
My two points are this
1) Change occurs one drop at a time. And if you didn't know, the water is a metaphor for the world of God, the Bible. Are you drinking water? Are you dehydrated? You need a drop at a time, day by day.
2) People are in desperate need of water, and you have it. We need to realize that God has given us free water. Because God has given us free water we, are responsible for those that haven't received it yet.
If anything you take from this post, let it be this: Don't try to fix your "dry" christian life by pouring a load water on your life. Add a drop at a time. Let GOD'S WATER remold you little by little and make you functional again. For those that already have been remolded, share it now. Don't hold back a solution to their problems.
"If you found a cure for cancer, wouldn't it be inconceivable to hide it from the rest of mankind? How much more inconceivable to keep silent the cure from the eternal wages of death." — Dave Davidson
Verses to Read
James 3:11-12,Romans 10:14-15,John 4:7-15, Revelations 7:13-17
Reference to Play-Doh
It made so much sense. & this just was the missing piece to my puzzle os confusion. Keep going you're doing great!
ReplyDeleteDang.. this is soooo true!
ReplyDeleteThe other day I was saying to God that I wanted to be someone who preached His Gospel with my actions. People say that actions speak louder than words. so I want people to NOT see me, but rather Him in me. Like Matthew 5:16 says In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
And I realize that this HAS to be done one drop of water at a time.
Yoaneisha: To be honest with you, it was the missing piece in my life too! I was trying to just change over night without realizing that it was a change that took time.
ReplyDeleteJonathan: Your right! in Other words, don't say your going to change, change and then say you did. I learn each in every day that ultimately, the less of me that people see in me, the better i look!